Who is behind GGBRO Store?

Who is behind GGBRO Store?

Hi guys

I'm José Luis Rojas, the mind behind GGBRO Store. This isn't just any store; it's a spot where gamers, urban tribes, and city survivors collide in a burst of style and attitude. Today, I'm going to share a bit about my story and how this project, unafraid to break the mold, came to life.

Ever since I was a kid, I had a creative streak I couldn't contain. I wrote song lyrics and short stories, influenced by the dark tales of Edgar Allan Poe, the disturbing works of Patrick Süskind, the raw prose of Charles Bukowski, the visionary George Orwell, and the enigmatic Franz Kafka. Some of these lyrics became songs when I formed a band with my best friend. Today, I still write and am preparing a book of short stories called "Perros Furibundos," which chronicles our wild teenage years in South America in the late '90s. It was a tough and crazy time!

I also delved into photography and design. I took a photography course and got into developing and printing. Later, I ventured into the world of wrought iron, creating art pieces with a friend. We made everything from lamps to tables and ashtrays, all with a gothic, punk, and industrial style that blew people's minds.

After a dark period, I decided to make a radical change and plunged into the world of sushi, one of my great passions. I've spent over 25 years perfecting my craft, learning from the best Japanese chefs, and developing my unique style, full of creativity and vibrant colors. I've worked as a consultant chef for major restaurant chains in Europe, always pushing my passion to the next level.

A few years ago, I got into digital art and also flirt with NFTs. I started creating designs that combined my passions for video games, music (Bauhaus, Pixies, Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, KMFDM, Viagra Boys, Pink Floyd, Rage Against the Machine, Beastie Boys, Massive Attack, Estopa, Elyella, Soda Stereo, Janes addictions, Sonic Youth and many more), and my cinematic influences (films like "1984," "Seven," "The Wall," "Trainspotting" and directors like Lynch, Tarantino, Kurosawa, Kubrick, and Scorsese). This is how GGBRO Store was born, a project that fuses everything I love into products that are all about attitude.

At GGBRO Store, you'll find apparel and accessories that make a statement. Each design is crafted for those who, like me, live and breathe gamer culture, urban tribes, and the gritty reality of surviving city life. For me, each design is like an album cover for a band. This store isn't just a business; it's an extension of my creativity and a way to connect with all of you who share my interests.

Explore, Connect, and Grab Something with Attitude

I invite you to check out www.ggbrostore.com and discover our collections. I'm sure you'll find something that speaks to you and helps you showcase your unique style. Thanks for being here, for being part of this community, and for joining me on this journey.

Welcome to GGBRO Store!

José Luis Rojas

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